The Twelve Clues of Christmas  - Rhys Bowen

Another fun entry for Her Royal Spyness.  This time it's a traditional English Christmas in ye olde traditional English village.  I was happy to see Georgie get away from Fig and get into a good situation for the holidays.  I'm also glad that Georgie her mother are developing a nice relationship.  I did miss Belinda in this one but that was happily made up for with lots & lots of Darcy.  I normally don't mind being spoiled but this is one time I wish I hadn't known the "twist" in the plot.  I won't say what it was but it made me think too much trying to fit in all the clues, when if I hadn't known I probably would have just gone along for the ride.  This is my go to series when I want a lighter historical mystery.  It has a likeable heroine, a charming hero, good secondary characters, humor and a soupcon of romance.